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The Campus
A 4 acre campus - environment friendly and a peaceful atmosphere for employees to work
Knitting division
A well infrastructured knitting division with 7 Mayer&cie and 20 SMART machines capable of producing 10 tonnes per day in single jersey, lycra jersey, airtex, loopknit and rib fabrics
Printing divison
With an automatic machine from FABRO with 36 palettes and 12 heads and 4 manual machines we perform the best techniques in printing.
Embroidery division
2 BARUDAN machines with 28 heads, capable to perform a variety of designs ranging from chenille to reversible sequins
Sampling & CAD studio
Experienced tailors, pattern masters, designers, Automatic pattern-making softwares, CAD marker are the core elements of our firm. Any complications will be simplified into our language in this department
Fabric division
Storing and warehousing all kinds of fabrics in a simplified manner. Cutting department with 2 semi-automatic machines and 4 tables.
Garmenting division
350 sewing machines with all possible varieties, training section and qualified workers contribute to the production of 10000+ high fashion garments everyday.
Packing & dispatching
Trimmed and checked, all our products are internally inspected by our QAD with AQL 2.5% before dispatch.
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